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A female witnessed a bear frolicking with her children's toys in the backyard.

As the seasonal transition to Spring has taken place, the bears that had been hibernating through Winter are now active again. They may be out looking for food, a more suitable living area, or even just having some fun. One day, Anna Cory-Watson in upstate New York peered out her window to find a bear in her yard. Despite the surprise, the bear was not there with malicious intent - he had simply come across her child's soccer ball and decided to have a bit of a kick around.

She quickly grabbed her phone to snap some pictures of what was happening! The bear wasn't just content to play with the ball, though - he spent some time exploring the yard, jumping on the trampoline, and even playing with a broom and a couple of hoses! After a couple of hours, the bear eventually moved on. It was absolutely hilarious! Check out the video below and share it with your family and friends.
